Turning a Sad Reminder into Hope and Smile: Children’s Response to 3/11 Earthqueake/Tsunami


Children’s capacity for imagination & creation is just amazing.  Watanoha Elementary School children in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture created art out of debris left by the tsunami and turned the sad reminder into a cause to smile and hope again.  We created a video featuring these kids and their artwork through photographs provided by the Watanoha Smile Project.

The Watanoha Smile Project: Children’s Response to 3/11 Earthquake/Tsunami  ワタノハ・スマイル・プロジェクト (動画はこちらのリンクで)
石巻の渡波小学校の校庭に流されてきたガレキ(瓦礫)を小学生が再利用して作ったオブジェ作品。 私はこの写真を初めて見たとき、釘付けになってしまったのです・・・・!
Watanoha Elementary School kids in Ishinomaki, Miyagi, created artwork out of debris caused by the tsunami. (Photo provided by the Watanoha Smile Project)


Our Sunday’s programs for children at Japan Society commemorating the one year anniversary of Japan earthquake/tsunami also features 93 “egao”(smile) drawings created by pre-school children in Fukushima and offers a “HappyDoll for Tohoku”workshop for children.  Viewers can respond artistically or in writing to the images.
Minato pre-school kids in Fukushima

Major U.S. media/press featured children’s artwork from Tohoku, Japan, commemorating the one year anniversary of Japan earthquake/tsunami. Click on the icons below.

The short version

The extended version



I was interviewed by TV Japan in their live broadcast at 1o am on March 11 to introduce children’s artwork from Tohoku at Japan Society.
<震災関連番組> ☆テレビジャパン独自番組「3.11 北米からのメッセージ」
3月11日(日)午前10:00(ET)/午前7:00(PT) –> この生放送枠に出演し、東北の子供たちのアート作品を紹介。
         午前11:00(ET)/午前8:00(PT) ->引き続き、職場から生中継。